Insert A Hyperlink In Microsoft Word

There are two ways that you can insert a hyperlink in Word 2010. Using the first method, you type out the text for the link first and then insert the hyperlink. After typing out the text, you then select it and click the Insert tab, then click the Hyperlink command in the Links group.

Hyperlink Command In Word

In the Insert Hyperlink window that opens, you can type in the website URL into the address box if the link is to a website.

Insert Hyperlink In Word

Click to enlarge

However, you could also link to the following:

  • an existing file on your computer – use the Insert Hyperlink window to navigate to it, select it and then click OK.
  • a location in the current document – you can select elements like headings and sub headings to link to.
  • a new document – you need to specify the name of the document and either accept the current path to it or type in a new one. You can also either edit the new document right now, or edit it later.
  • an email address

Each of the above options can be used by clicking on its corresponding button on the left of the Insert Hyperlink window.

When you’ve specified the destination of the link and clicked OK, the link displays in blue with an underline, by default.

The second method of inserting a link is very simple: just type out the URL of the website. As soon as you press the spacebar or Enter, Word recognises the text as a link and displays it in blue with an underline, as we’ve just seen.

Links Are Blue In Word

Word is also sophisticated enough to recognise email addresses that you type, and treat those as links too:

Emails Are Blue In Word
